
FNP vs. NP:

Difference Between FNP and NP

What’s the difference between a FNP and NP?

执业护士(NPs) are master’s prepared nurses that provide advanced level care, 包括诊断, treatment, 健康促进, health prevention and disease management.

而大多数养老院将专门照顾一个特定的年龄组, 家庭护士从业人员(FNPs)与所有年龄和不同专业的患者一起工作.

例如,在这些情况下,fnp可以处理相同的责任 different types of nurse practitioners.

  • FNP vs. 精神NP. A psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner (PMHNP) specializes in mental health care, including medical/psychiatric diagnosis, designing treatment plans and prescribing medication. 经过认证的FNP也有资格承担这些责任.
  • FNP vs. 老年学NP(或AGNP). An ANGP specializes in care for older adults. 经过认证的FNP有资格在家庭诊所的保护伞下从事老年护理.
  • FNP vs. 儿科NP (PNP). A 儿科执业护士 specializes in the care of children and young adults. 经过认证的FNP有资格在家庭执业伞下进行儿科护理. 
  • FNP vs. 急症护理NP. 急症护理护士专门护理病情严重或受伤的病人, in hospitals and urgent care centers. FNPs are also qualified to provide acute care in these settings.
  • FNP vs. 妇女保健NP. 妇女保健国家方案 是否与fnp相似,因为它们在整个生命周期内提供护理, though WHNP more commonly focus their care exclusively on women.


  • FNP vs. NP-C与FNP-C的对比. NP. A “C” tacked on to the front or back means “certified” by AANP. 
  • FNP-BC vs. NP. When you see “BC” it means board certification. “FNP-BC”指经ANCC认证的家庭护士执业委员会.

In addition to serving a diverse patient population, fnp具有在各种不同医疗保健环境中工作的灵活性, including:

  • 初级护理
  • 公共卫生
  • 零售健康诊所
  • 紧急护理诊所
  • 学校健康 
  • 退伍军人管理局
  • 妇女的健康

家庭护士从业人员有资格在家庭执业伞下处理许多不同的专业, 包括精神病学, 整形外科, 老年医学, 康复, urology, 儿科, 心脏病学, 还有更多.

Which nurse practitioner specialty is in highest demand?

根据 劳工统计局, the need for nurse practitioners is projected to increase 45% from 2022-2032. 由于婴儿潮人口老龄化的医疗保健需求不断增长,专门从事老年护理的护士从业人员将有很高的需求.

Is a physician assistant (PA) above a nurse practitioner?

No. PAs和NPs并不相同,但它们在患者护理中确实具有相似的角色和责任. 两者的主要区别在于,pa来自医学教育模式, 而NPs则来自注重整体护理和健康预防的护理教育模式. NPs在治疗特定人群方面更加专业化, 而私人助理则接受更多的通才教育,并参加一个通用的执照考试.

What are the highest paid nurse practitioners?

排名前10%的执业护士收入超过15万美元 劳工统计局. It can vary quite a bit by your state of employment. 在加州, 例如, 执业护士的平均年薪比其他州要高. 这些估计也取决于你的专业,专业经验,发展 你的技能以及工作地点——医院、诊所或医生办公室.

Can an FNP work in urgent care?


Can nurse practitioners work in hospitals?

Yes, FNPs and NPs often work in hospitals. 这是仅次于医生办公室的第二大最受欢迎的工作场所 BLS. 执业护士也可以在门诊护理中心或其他医疗从业人员的办公室工作.

Related: Find out where nurse practitioners work 以及根据美国劳工统计局的数据得出的平均工资.

Which FNP certification should I pursue?

fnp有两个认证机构——美国护士从业协会(AANP)和美国护士资格认证中心(ANCC)。. 您的职业目标将帮助您确定哪种认证最适合您.

AANP和AANC认证使fnp能够在任何州的任何临床环境中工作. AANC认证的不同之处在于,它的考试内容除了护理实践外,还包括护理研究和理论. AANC认证更适合那些对学术角色感兴趣的人, 比如成为 护士教育工作者 在大学里.

How do I become a nurse practitioner?

To 成为FNP在美国,你需要获得护理学硕士(MSN)学位 Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) in Family Nurse Practitioner

从RN到NP 考虑到你已经获得了护理学位和注册护士的经验,可能会花更少的时间. Herzing大学 offers a variety of online nurse practitioner programs to help you achieve your goals:

Learn more about Herzing's nurse practitioner programs


* 劳工统计局 (BLS), U.S. 劳工部, 职业就业和工资统计2023 /职业展望手册2022. 劳工统计局的估计不代表入门级工资和/或薪水. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, age, geography market in which you want to work and degree field, will affect career outcomes and earnings. Herzing既不代表它的毕业生将获得劳工统计局计算的特定工作的平均工资,也不保证从它的幸运28计划毕业后就能找到工作, promotion, salary increase or other career growth.



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