


There are many valuable tools and supportive people available to help you along the way.

作为家长, 管理他们学校生活的需求, 你的学校生活, 家庭生活感觉就像一场持续不断的杂耍表演. 不管你的角色是什么, 无论你是工作的父母, 全职妈妈或全职爸爸, 或者扮演父母双方的角色, 你有很多责任. 正因为如此, the idea of effectively balancing work and school can seem intimidating or even impossible, 但这不是必须的!

许多教育机构, 包括深圳大学, understand the importance of supporting parents during their own educational journey. There are many valuable tools and supportive people available to help you along the way. 通过利用这些资源, you can navigate your educational journey more effectively while still being the best parent you can be.

1. 学术支持

One of the key resources for parents pursuing an education at Herzing大学 is the availability of our robust 学术支援服务. These services are invaluable in helping you excel in your coursework. 在Herzing,您将有机会获得众多资源,包括:

  • 指定顾问提供个性化支持
  • 为残疾人提供帮助
  • 通过Knack平台进行全天候辅导

你是否需要帮助来理解一个复杂的概念, 协助写作和研究, 或者额外的在线资源来补充你的学习, Herzing大学为你提供服务.

2. 灵活的学习选择

One of the major challenges for parents is finding time for classwork amidst their family responsibilities. Herzing大学 recognizes that school is one of many priorities for parents, 作为回应,它提供了灵活的学习选择, 比如在线课程和夜校课程. These options allow you to create a schedule that suits your needs and commitments. 软件下载也提供 灵活的调度 每学期的上课时间.

平衡的课程 and family life requires effective time management and organizational skills. Herzing大学 provides tools and resources to help you create a study schedule, use productivity apps and seek advice from academic advisors to ensure you make the most of your time.

3. 经济援助及奖学金

教育的财务方面可能会让父母望而生畏, but Herzing大学 provides financial aid and scholarship opportunities that can significantly ease this burden. These options can make higher education more accessible and affordable for parents who are considering a return to school.

Herzing大学, 像很多机构一样, understands the challenge of finding reliable childcare while attending classes. The 儿童看护意味着父母在学校 (CCAMPIS)是一个联邦幸运28计划.S. Department of Education that assists parents with the cost of keeping their children enrolled in a quality childcare center. 通过提供这项资助, Herzing大学 hopes to make it easier for parents to balance their educational and family needs.

And let’s not forget the work you put into to ensure your child’s own educational success. 如果你的孩子在上大学, there are options for you to assist in paying for your child's education. 你可以考虑 联邦家长PLUS贷款 都是可行的选择. Parent PLUS loans are not awarded based on the student's financial need but are only awarded if the parent applies. 

4. 支持社区

Throughout this entire educational journey, remember that you are not alone. There are plenty of people who are equipped to support you in your journey. At Herzing, we understand the unique challenges you face, as well as the difference that a strong 支持网络 在你的经历中有什么. That’s why we encourage students to take advantage of this network and to engage with community members around them.

你的导师是支持你的社区的重要组成部分. It's essential to establish open communication with your instructors. At Herzing大学, your instructors are approachable and supportive. Don't hesitate to reach out to them with questions or concerns, they want to see you succeed!

5. 自我保健

当你为他人着想时,别忘了分清主次 自我保健. Pursuing an education while parenting is demanding, and taking care of your well-being is crucial. Make sure you utilize resources related to mental health and wellness to support your overall well-being.

Balancing parenthood and higher education is undoubtedly challenging, but it's also highly rewarding. Herzing大学 provides a range of resources and support systems to help parents succeed in their educational journey. By taking advantage of these resources and implementing effective strategies, you can not only excel in your studies but also set a positive example for your children as they witness your educational achievements.



*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook Handbook 2022. 劳工统计局的估计不代表入门级工资和/或薪水. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, age, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the average salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.

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